Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My what??

Ok....I obviously spoke too soon last Friday when I said that it was our "quiet time" and we were enjoying listening to the bliss of the stillness of the household as well as enjoying a "normal pregnancy" finally! This changed a little as of this past Monday. No, no worries....Miller is not here yet!

On Monday--Week 35/Day 1, we went to go in for our normal OB doctor's visit. It has been nice to have "normal" check-ups because this pregnancy has been far from normal! MM was looking great and they did a quick check on size and they thought he was approaching 6 pounds! They say it is hard to tell when you do growth checks so close together--so not sure how much I believe that he is a 6 pounder already. Then again, it is hard for us to believe that we are even at this stage when 15 weeks ago--we were just trying to get to week 24, 28, 30 and then week 32.

Anyway--after the OB doctor, we had to visit another doctor because my belly button didn't look quite normal---like other prego women have. Dr. U wanted me to be safe than sorry thus he wanted me to get it checked out by a general surgeon. Our doctor's appointment was immediately following the OB one. By 9am---Matt and I had learned that we were suddenly scheduled for surgery later that afternoon to fix my umbilical hernia. My what????

Yes, to add yet another twist to this very unusual pregnancy---I had surgery on Monday at 2pm though waking up that morning we had no clue that surgery was even an option for that day. Our heads were spinning because so many things could have happen. The surgery was under general anesthesia so both MM and I slept through it. He came through it like a champ--though he did give us a little scare because his heartbeat got down to a 107. (His normal is from 140-160) So he did give us a scare---but once again, we realized that we have a special angel in Heaven, Lawton, and here on earth, Julie, who took care of us. Julie, our best friend and nurse practitioner, came in right at the exact moment when the nurses were trying to hunt down Dr. U to see what they should do. Julie quickly took control of the situation--made them turn me on my left side--thus giving MM more oxygenated blood (or something like that.) Anyway--MM quickly "woke up" for his Aunt Julie and his momma--thus putting our hearts and minds at ease.

So, once again, poor Matt, my parents and my brother were in the waiting room and praying that MM would not come during the surgery. While I was being wheeled in to surgery--I kept telling the doctors and nurses my baby's name so that they can address him by name and tell him to not come during surgery. They obviously took care of both of us! They were wonderful! My poor family----I have given them so many scares throughout this pregnancy that I will owe them for the rest of my life for making them worry about MM and me so much!

Now---it is Wednesday--the day before Thanksgiving. Yesterday was a very tough day for all of us because having stitches in your belly button is one thing--but having them when you are 20 pounds heavier and the pressure of a 6 pound baby kicking on them is a completely different story!!! OUCH is an understatement but I keep telling myself that it is preparing me for the REAL thing soon!

This surgery was a huge shock for us but even more so for MM. He keeps thinking that he is supposed to come for Thanksgiving! We held off labor last night and today---which is a huge relief! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we did come now since he has hit the big milestones that he has needed to do so. But, we would rather have him "cook" a little while longer plus there is still about 10 more things that I just thought of that needs to be done!! (Nesting instinct I guess.)

Anyway--Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! We promise to post once Miracle Miller gets here as well as email everyone that we can think of! However, hoping that we have one more post for next week prior to his arrival!

Love and Peace to you and your family!!
We love you! Dana, Matt and MM

Friday, November 16, 2007

Quiet time...

Today is Friday, November 16th. The last time we posted was October 26th and sorry to those of you who read this blog on a weekly basis to get updates. Obviously things changed for us a little when we hit week 32--2 weeks ago.

At that big 32 week appointment--we got the "ok" to get off strict bed rest and start doing modified bed rest---which means I can DRIVE!!! Not that I can get out and be my normal "go at 100+ miles per hour self" but still to get permission to get out of the house 1 time a day was a huge step for us. I am sure Matt is thrilled with this because I am no longer as grumpy as I had been. So, these past 2 1/2 weeks, I have been consumed with making sure we are ready for MM to get here! Thanks to great information from many friends---we think we are ready. However, sure to any "new parents" life--I have a feeling that we have missed something and will realize it the first night when we get home.

So--according to our plan--MM is scheduled to be here on December 3rd! If he is anything like his father---he will be ON TIME or 15 minutes early! We are set for a csection that morning but not sure of the exact time yet. Our families are busy getting ready for this grand occasion.

In the meantime, Matt and I have realized that we need to take a Baby Care Class so that we will actually have an idea of what to do when he gets here. (I have come to learn that MM does not pop out with an instruction manual.) I have also asked Matt to come with me to a Breastfeeding Class too---to insure that I don't miss any crucial information. My "baby brain" tends to kick in quite alot these days! As said before, Matt is an incredible and supportive husband and I know that he will be a wonderful father too!

We have 2 weeks and 3 days to go until we get to meet MM! There have been many nights that Matt and I have stopped what we are doing, mute the TV and just sit there and listen to the quietness within the house. After sitting there and not saying a word--we look at each other and just smile because we know that this quiet time is only going to last 2 weeks and 3 days longer. However, Matt and I look forward to the chaos, lack of sleep and all of the love that MM will add to our lives. We know that MM is bringing us love as well as his brother's spirit into our lives very soon! We look forward to introducing him to all of you.

Thank you for helping to make our Miracle come true by praying for all of us! We could not have gotten to this place in our lives without your love and support!

Peace and love to you all!
Dana, Matt and MM